Frankfurter Straße 112
64293 Darmstadt
T: +49 (6151) 948 0
F: +49 (6151) 948 140
Managing Director:
Uwe Wiedermann
Register Court:
District Court Darmstadt
Register Number:
HRB 102789
VAT Identification Number:
DE 341 201 877
Liability Notice:
ISRA VISION GmbH endeavors to keep the information on this website correct and up-to-date. However, ISRA VISION GmbH is not obliged to do so. ISRA VISION GmbH may at any time, without notice, add data or change and delete the content or parts of it from this website.
The general terms and conditions of ISRA VISION GmbH apply.
All trade names and trademarks mentioned and shown are the property of their respective owners.
We are partners of the Blue Competence sustainability initiative. Blue Competence ( is an initiative by VDMA ( which aims to promote sustainability in mechanical and plant engineering and raise awareness of sustainable solutions in the sector. With our partnership, we undertake to adhere to the 12 sustainability guidelines of the mechanical engineering industry (